Thursday, September 25, 2008
Because I Love You
Its like a dream
Everything that we've done is all through something
Whatever happens to it will somehow be the end of the dream
Which I wake up from and
Whatever is left will just be tons of memories
Of the words you said
And the shots of you
I will rather stay asleep and never wake up
For it gives me something to look forward more to each day
Something that writes the stories of my life
I don't know you
Or rather that well to let a normal human being to place all hell of a trust to someone else
But I just did
Because I believe
In you, your words, and the dreams
I'm walking on the tightrope now
Somewhat it seems like I've stepped on the starting point
With not even a visible end
Not even what's below
Placing my steps on the rope each with every heartbeat
Throbbing along to the songs we share
Without any fears I walk down the rope
With just you in my mind
I'll walk
To where ever it leads me to
Because I know it eventually lead me to you
Somewhere in the middle I might just fall
But I'm not afraid
Because you said you'll hold me up
And it gave me strength to go on
If I can I will dream on forever
Just don't wake me up
If I can I will walk on forever
Just don't let it go
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Today, and in fact, the whole "High achievers programme" period just got stupider.
"Sec 4s and 5s please bring your PE attires tomorrow.."
"From tomorrow onwards we're going to do workouts every reading period."
PE was taken away and now what?!
I rather be late now on and run 2 little rounds on half the field,,
than to bring PE attire everyday just for that pathetic 20mins of workout.
Dunno la.
ART today like nothing to do already..
End up doing spring-cleaning.
No mood at all honestly
So siam here siam there then.
(sorry peeps~ =x)
Limin was washing the paint brushes when I saw her outside.
I started circling round the ants with the water.
She saw like fun like that then she joined me.
Then we ended up killing ants with HOT water.
Then it was time to get TANG-ed
Went to AVA after chem and listen to the good-ol stories.
But ok la.
Woke me up abit.
Hope I can chiong uhs.
Warr I went to check out the SLIPKNOT new album today,,
(Aww didn't realise they released it ever since I stopped listening to them for awhile)
and checked out their new masks.
WOOO jus look at Joey Jordison's..
Can't get any better than this.
Found out a great point-and-click games few days back.
(Games that you have to use your mouse and navigate around. Some goals is to leave the room,, some is to solve mysteries..etc..)
You have to get out of the wierd town and there are things for you to collect as you go along.
And the sequel is even more wierd and that brings in the mood to the game.
Love that feeling as I played the game.
Eerie and creepy, and makes you want to discover more.
The sequel is more fun as you have to make the right decisions as the "coins" you end up having varies with the choices.
Try yourself to know what I mean.
Great stuff.
Now hop.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
No mood to blog today.
Get back soon.
Friday, September 19, 2008
I Got The Key!!
Yay i've GRADUATED!!
No more schools!
No more teachers!
No more irritating peeps!
No more rules!
No more test!
NO More t..
Still got O level sia!
Sibeh sian..
The last lap like long bodoh.
"Graduation Day" held yesterday
Means no need go school le right.
Introducing: High Achievers Programme!!
Means what?
3 more weeks of studies to get us super ready for the O's!
Means what?
School lor
The worst is although we're declared graduated,,
although there is still 3 more weeks of school,,
Today can don't need come de ma!
And yesterday was another Ribbon-packed day~
You could see ribbons on the ground,
on the table,
on the chair,
on the hair,
the shoes,
the uniform,
the bags,
and even THE EARS!
What is the ribbon?
Our class use ribbons on special days..(although only twice uhs)
And put it anywhere on ourselves
Anywhere you can think of
To signify that we're from that unique class
That special-hyperactive-cantshutthehellup-go4Igo-latecomingstreakmaker-
teacher'sheartbreaker-sucksatstudies-goodateverythingelse class
Damn man I'm gonna remember you all
Back to the ribbon thinggy..
Some girls(boy) tied on their hair,
some on their wrist etc..
I tied mine on both of my shoes and my bag
Justin's on his tie
Weihao's on both of his shoes and guess what?
His earhole!
WTF ain't it?
And I want to thanks Elvina for the cookies or don't know whats that.
It must have took you alot of efforts
Plus the cards for every individual
Salutes sia.
And Pearlyn for the Golden Ribbon..
Then took some pics in the class then went to the canteen for the SP blahblah then went to hall
Tang's speech got me sleeping 3+ times
Then was some award presentation
Then every class says THANKS this that..
4G got video somemore
4J got dance somemore
4I got stand up and say ILOVEYOU bodoh!
But only like that sia.
Should have done more.
Recieved a KEY for graduation.
It was the token of symbol~
Say what the key opens us to the world outside blah..
Then got POLAR curry puff and pie.
Like that nia.
Then can go home le.
Then comes today.
School like normal today nothing much.
Only got a few scratches, pen marks etc.
And today's Limin's birthday!
Happy birthday to my beloved jie!~
Although no present la
But 7 lines on here should be enough to cover up right((:
Jia you for O's!
Give yourself that as a present~
That should be enough.
Aiya tired liaos..
Stop posting here
First time see my pics here uhs.
Still got somemore haven get from them.
Enjoy the pics and....
In ART room with WEITENG

Another one
In class

Me helping WEIHAO tie the ribbon on his ear.. Aiyos
Tie hao liao~~

My shoe. LOL

Jeslin hop.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Lame Day
Boring day~
PE was not what was expected..
Some clever spreaded yesterday that today there isn't any PE
Ended up jus 10+ people playing BASEBALL
Not really bad and quite enjoyable
But again next week?
Oh my..
Then nothing much during studies..
Except some laughters from the stupid rabbit cartoon
Aiya today another CMI day..
And the worst shyt today..
Just when i got the feeling to take a break for straight 3 days
Tomorrow is "Graduation Day"
Which will be just a ceremony to say that we're somehow out of the school..
Which is somehow a good news..
Which is something that makes no difference
Aiya just remember to bring your ties tomorrow.
Sibeh sian~
Now hop.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
"Noise ∝ Time Of Release"
What a long day!
Got back my lit results
Passed it!
Art results
Passed it!
Chem results
Anyways today was the first lesson that we had with Mr Zaki..
Cant really make out what he says sometimes
But he gave hell lot of homework!
After school went to eat with Weihao..
Justin "can go home" so he went ahead. LOL
Saw the PE people at the coffee shop
And Mr Wong say tomorrow got PE la.. which faggot..
Chatted with WH for quite a long time
Didn't even know what time was it..
Aiya actually also nothing much to blog about..
Nights rabbits
Remember to eat your leftover mooncakes
Now hop.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The "Hey-how-much-you-got?" Day
This is shit.
Its the start of a new week and the start of a disaster
Today is the day when the prelim results are out
Got back my Math, Physics, and ¾ of my English
Woo!! I made it for physics!
And there was assembly
NO TIE B**C*!!
Sat in the hall with my knees up to my chin all-the-way
Imagine you doing that for 40+ mins
And the talk today was by S'pore Art Museum!
I can't even lift up my head to watch!
Now imagine that!
Then it was suppose to be ART.
Ong had to go..
So will me.
Came back and start playing around with my blogskin and leart something more
Wow i kinda like my blogskin now.
Ok that's all rabbits
Now hop.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Slacker's Sunday
Nothing much about today..
Didn't went out,
Stayed home and DOTA-ed almost the whole day..
Come on its the "Hey-how-much-you-got?" day tomorrow
Gotta unwind abit
Nights rabbits..
And oh.. Happy lantern festival~
Don't forget your mooncakes
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Woke up in the morning to burn disc for dad..
He'll love it((:
Went to study grp at 9
Got into contact with "Sets & Notations" for the first time
A little late ain't it
Well at least now i know how to handle them..
Thanks to the tutor that I met for the first time today..
What coincidence
After study, I went up to Gameslab
WARR so many people
Pao gave up his com to me then I joined in the game of CS (thanks pao {:)
Then switched to PS3 and played a soccer game(can't remember the title of the game) with Sharfee..
Once there was even a 5-0 score
He's just too pro(champion of the Carnival last held at Magicbox)
Then went to Bugis to meet Meimei
She like grown taller since the last time i saw her like half a year ago
Then comes her friend
Oh can she talk!
This that who what how when where~
Then tell me i look like her cousin, except for the spec, the hair, the eyes..
Then comes the dessert part
I discovered that my meimei so funny
Her face turns red when she laughs
and when i see her friend face and then turn to look at her's
Then after the dessert the friend keep talking to me
Wanting to know my name
She thought my name starts with J
I was like "wth who told you that?"
Nevermind since its a mistake then let it go on then
She went to take Meimei phone and went to contacts to the "J" part
"Is it Jonathan? Justin?"
Then after walking some more..
"Your name end with what alphabet?"
Hmm i thought.. Your name.. It ends with the alphabet E!
"E lor"
LOL! She fell for that..
Nvm enough about her..
She went home anyways..
Then left me and Meimei
Walked around at the mall
Found a toy of a cow.. Know what it does?
When u press the stomach, air goes out..
When u let go, air goes in through the mouth..
"ARRGH!" the cow says.
LOL!! wtf!
Then Meimei keep press like free that i have to drag her out..
Then we walked around somemore then it was time to meet her mum
Actually her mum wasn't that fierce lea.. Not like the first time i saw her..
Then MRT-ed back with them
Dad and mum was waiting at home.
I went to my room and took out the disc.
"narh pa.. Lao ge lai de"
Then i bathed then eat..
Dad played the disc and sang with the lyrics and whistled with the tunes
He like so happy
That makes me happy too...
"Hope you get well soon :D"
Friday, September 12, 2008
Art exam was a total friggin waste of time today
If it wasn't for the passing up of O lvl prep work... Whatever
Drew 2 guys fighting for my art prelims..
I did not get anything ready beforehand
Den have to start from scratch
Before test Weihao said turned to me and signal "can sleep le"
Almost felt like doing so
Den the test starts
Racked my brain then den thought of what i initially wanted to do for O lvls
The topic i chose was "FORSHORTEN"
That was the topic i always wanted to do
But ended up doing "Traditional & Modern"
Struggled with the angle logics because
I started with the idea just when the test started
Then it was the time of "judgement"
The time when Ong sees works and comments on the speed, drawing, mark-capturing ablities of our prep work..(and i didn't even have my artist influence done)
Which i think was a disaster because i cant find any artist that paint like how i did..
Not even close..
Not even Ong can save me..
Stayed back after prelim to do my Art prep
Printed my sources etc..
Den Ong went for check up
and that means HOME SWEET HOME!
Saw my uncle on my way home
He asked about my studies, prelim, O's etc
Den i thought about something that link to this: I want to be game maker not a game player
Left one month nia people!
Welcome Me..
Its been long since i've blogged
With all the "warr ur blog so dusty" to "your blog is totally dead" remarks,
Hello i'm back..
Hmmm just finished my art not long ago
Ong's deadline is just a few moments away!!
will my work win her "ok that's good" remark?
Played lan over at Elias
almost met my meimei
but bad enough I forgot the time
It was too late den..
(Another day ba meimei!)
Kays that's all for now..
have to sleep to get ready for the "%#^@%&^$#& tmr
nites rabbits~